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Ed Weiss French Resources
AI resources
This site will take a Youtube video and immediately generate a synopsis, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, discussion topics, and provide a list of key vocabulary in French with example sentences.
This site prompts you to provide specific information in order to create a video of your chosen length with thorough narration.
The classic AI site BUT use it in Chrome and get the free "Voice control for Chat GPT" extension. You can then select your language and ask any questions and have conversations.
30 essential prompts
Wiki page with many categorized prompts
An incredible, all purpose site that links to ChatGPT and many others. Use it to generate prompts, generate images, create lessons and more.
Paste in text and have it read in a variety of target language voices
An amazing site for language teachers with approx. a dozen utilities including generation of questions, vocab. lists and and summaries from any Youtube video. Also, it can generate lists, grammar practice and assessments.
An old friend that has been enhanced with the ability to generate work from videos and generate questions from text.
A GPT-powered site for target language chat
Huge site with a myriad of applications
Free site - no sign up needed - for instant spoken conversations
Great resource by a dynamic Spanish teacher who shares helpful AI info
Popular chatbot
Create interactive lesons
Image generator
You create chatbots for students to engage with any scenario. Program will also grade student work.
Site where you enter specific vocabulary terms and it will find many clips using that word in context
Great collection of videos on how to use various AI apps for language learning
From Naomi Rodriguez and her fantastic site Lo Logramos
Microsoft's AI site with many functions
Google's entry into the world of AI
Great image creator that helps you design whatever you need
Terrific Chrome extension that creates a great variety of tasks
Great Chrome extension that adds infographics to text
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